Check out our video
We are proud to show you what we offer here at Treasure Coast Flight Training. We train pilots from all over the world.
In this video, you will see our campus, fleet, student accommodations, student life and so much more. We hope that it helps answer some of the questions you may have about Treasure Coast Flight Training. Be sure to check out the rest of our website once the video is over for more detailed information.
We look forward to helping you achieve your goal of becoming a professional pilot!
Benefits of Training in the United States
The training you receive inside the United States is considered the best in the world – a significant advantage.
The United States has far more aircraft and airports. Training in Mexico is very limited which means it will take you years to earn the same thing that you can do here in months.
Your Mexico is not good outside of Mexico and is very difficult to convert to any other country. A FAA Certificate is converted lot easier to other ICAO contracting states licenses. This means you will be able to use the licenses you earn in Mexico and elsewhere.
FAA Certificates DO NOT EXPIRE – If you have a FAA Certificate it is good for life. Mexican Licenses do expire
“I was able to earn my hours so quickly with TCFT. I went through my program in a record 47 days.”
— Treasure Coast Flight Training Graduate
Benefits of Training with TCFT
As a student at Treasure Coast Flight Training you will receive the finest pilot education in the world.
TCFT offers a state of the art facility with simulators, digital scheduling, classrooms, testing center, kitchen, student lobby, study areas, and a 8500 square foot maintenance hangar.
The largest fleet of aircraft around. This means you will be able to fly everyday if you wish. No delays means faster training and less money.
We offer Cessna 152s, Cessna 172s, Cessna 172 G1000’s, Piper Archers, Piper Senecas. These aircraft are in perfect condition and all are IFR certified with GPS.
Each TCFT flight instructor has been trained to the highest standards. The average student to instructor ratio is 3-1
Conveniently located between Orlando and Miami, Florida. Florida is considered to have the best weather for flying.
Restaurants and Grocery Stores are all within reach of your student housing.
TCFT offers free transportation to and from the airport and student housing.
TCFT offers any and all ratings/licenses for far less than most other schools.

Thank you for your interest in Treasure Coast Flight Training. We have many students from Mexico so you will feel right at home training here with us.
As a student at Treasure Coast Flight Training you will receive the finest pilot education in the world. We would like to congratulate you on your pursuit for excellence.
Training at TCFT is known to be among the best in the world and the skills you learn here with us will stay with you throughout your career as a professional pilot. TCFT offers a state of the art facility with simulators, digital scheduling, classrooms, testing center, kitchen, student lobby, study areas, and a 8500 square foot maintenance hangar.
Treasure Coast Flight Training offers the largest fleet of aircraft in the area consisting of Cessna 152s, Cessna 172s, Cessna 172s with G1000, Piper Archers, Piper Arrows, Beech Duchess’, and Piper Senecas. All of our aircraft panels are set up the exact same way so that if a plane is not available due to an inspection, you can move to another aircraft and not be delayed. Because of this large fleet of aircraft and flight instructors, you should have no problem flying each and every day if you want. No delays means faster training and less money.
We understand that this may be your first trip to the United States. That is why from the moment you start the enrollment process to the moment you graduate, we work hard to make sure this entire experience is enjoyable and rewarding for you.
All Treasure Coast Flight Training courses follow the proven curriculum of the Cessna Pilot Center Training System and Jeppesen Flight Training. TCFT uses their step by step syllabus which is designed to meet all your countries requirements. Each TCFT flight instructor has been trained to the highest standards and has accrued an incredible amount hours of one on one instruction. When choosing TCFT, rest assured that you will receive the finest training possible and be given the opportunity to earn your ratings in the least amount of time and money possible.
Enrollment Requirements:
Age: Must be at least 17 years of age
Pilot License: FAA Student Pilot Certificate
Medical: At least FAA 3rd Class
Language: You must be able to speak, read and understand the English language.
Meet FAA AC60-28.
Non-US Citizen TSA Clearance for Private, Instrument & Multi Engine
International Students: Student Visa/ Form I-20
Flight Training
TSA Fingerprinting: $20
TSA Fees For Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Multi Engine: $390
FAA Medical: $100
Private Pilot
35 hours of flight time in a Cessna 152 – $3858
(Cessna 172s And Piper Archer IIIs Also Available But May Change Price Slightly)
35 Hours Of Instructor Time – $1925
5 Hours Of Full Motion Simulator - $700
10 Hours Of Ground School Time – $550 Course Books And Materials – $389
FAA Written Exam -$150
FAA Checkride – $500
Quoted Amount – $8072
Instrument Rating
35 Hours Of Flight Time In a Cessna 152 – $4042(Cessna 172s And Piper Archer IIIs Also Available But May Change Price Slightly)
35 Hours Of Instructor Time – $1925
10 Hours Of Ground School Time – $550
10 Hours Of Full Motion Simulator - $1400
Course Materials – $389
FAA Written Exam – $150
FAA Checkride – $500
Quoted Amount – $8956
Time Building
160 hours of flight time in a Cessna 152 to build time (time sharing) – $9,200
(Price is based on time sharing. Cessna 172s And Piper Archer IIIs Also Available But May Change Price Slightly)
Single Engine/ Commercial/ Instrument Rating
10 Hours Of Flight Time in a Cessna 172-G1000 – $1400
10 Hours Of Instructor Time – $550
20 Hours Of Full Motion Simulator - $2800
Course Materials – $389
FAA Written Exam – $150
FAA Checkride – $500
Quoted Amount – $5789
Multi Engine/ Commercial/ Instrument Rating Add On
10 Hours Of Multi Time (Dual) In A Beechcraft Duchess Or Piper Seneca – $3500
FAA Written Exam – $150
FAA Checkride – $500
Quoted Amount – $4150
Total Program Fees – 250 Hour Mexico Program – $36,167
This quote is based on FAA requirement minimums. Additional hours may be needed/required in order to complete any or all ratings. If so, flights will be charged in addition to the above quote and normal hourly rates. Student housing available for $600 per month. This rate includes all utilities, wifi internet, cable tv, etc. and many apartments include pools and a gym. Flight hours in this package are based on FAA minimums Additional hours may be required and will be charged at normal rates.
Campus and Student Accommodations