Watch Our Video
We are proud to show you what we offer here at Treasure Coast Flight Training. We train pilots from all over the world.
In this video, you will see our campus, fleet, student accommodations, student life and so much more. We hope that it helps answer some of the questions you may have about Treasure Coast Flight Training. Be sure to stop by your corresponding country page for details about your program.
We look forward to helping you achieve your goal of becoming a professional pilot!
We train pilots from all countries.
Please contact us for more information on your specific program if you do not see your region listed.
Student success and safety are our top priorities.

From Time Building to Specialized Commercial Rating courses, TCFT offers a wide range of programs to expedite your flying career. Accelerated courses are available to fast track our students with 7 day a week training from highly experienced instructors. Our flight simulators are state-of-the-art equipment with single engine, multi engine, six pack and G1000 instrumentation.